Dance is the soul’s divine expression

A mystery school with dance at the heart.

Allow the spirit of dance to move through you and your world will be awoken to the magic.

Akara has devoted her entire life to Dance, a magical journey that has taken her through many realms of expression, forming her own way, guided by the heart. Merging Temple arts with Sacred movement she creates safe and sacred containers for the divine feminine to Rise, a journey to your embodiment, empowerment, pleasure and soul expression.


Akara is not just a friend; she is a beacon of creativity and warmth. Her many gifts and talents, combined with her open heart, make her a source of constant inspiration for me. I've always had a passion for dance, but it's through Akara's guidance and teachings that I've learned to embody the dancer in me and to unlock my own unique medicine and expression within my body, spirit, and overall self. Through her encouragement I have gained my confidence as a dancer. Dancing alongside Akara has been a transformative experience, and I cherish the profound impact she has had on my journey and creative expression.

— Luana Dal Molin.

“Akara brings an incredible energy with her Sacred Temple Dance sessions! On my recent retreat, Akara offered us a Temple Dance initiation. The dance session was so effortlessly sacred and multidimensional, reflecting Akara’s many years of deep study of this lineage. Akara’s dance session created a palpable, magical connection in our sisterhood, deepening us into the heart Temple of the Goddess. Afterwards, all of the women were glowing with their unique feminine essence. Thank you Akara for bringing your magical gifts of Sacred Dance into the world. I highly recommend her Sacred Temple Dance! ~ Dr Elsa Field Priestess of Sacred Sound & Founder of Myrtle Grove Mystery School.”

— Elsa Field.

“Akara holds an exquisite space to move, grow and explore sacred dance, in a soulful and spirit led way. Her innate kindness guides each woman gently and steadily into her power and beauty, always focusing on strengths and positive attributes. I have found my flow again after a period of feeling stuck. What a delight! Thank you sister.”

—Karuna Mai